Mindlab - Action reflections

Wednesday 9 October 2019

Ulearn 2019

Week 29 - Consider your audience (Taking Action)

How can the use of robotics and learning with collaborative groups, be used to promote student engagement and have a positive impact on mathematical outcomes?

During this inquiry my plan was to improve student outcomes in mathematics using collaborative learning and robotics. I had planned to achieve this in my class then teach the other teachers in my team based on my new learning.

  • batteries needing to be charged after each session
  • not enough battery chargers to fit all the batteries required
  • Some robots just didn't work
  • Some robots were programmed different so even when given the same command did different tasks.

Bolstad, R., Gilbert, J., McDowall, S., Bull, A., Boyd, S., & Hipkins, R. (2012). Supporting future-oriented learning and teaching — a New Zealand perspective. Report prepared for the Ministry of Education. Retrieved from https://www.educationcounts.govt.nz/publications/schooling/109306

OECD. (2018).Trends shaping education 2018 spotlight. Retrieved from http://www.oecd.org/education/ceri/Spotlight-15-A-Brave-New-World-Technology-and-Education.pdf

Blended Learning Enabling Agency

Blended Learning Enabling Agency

Blended learning is the use of digital technologies within teaching. Blending learning and technology.
Flipped Learning - giving students the opportunity to learn a concept before coming to the teaching session. 

Could students be creating videos of them practising/doing a strategy? Other students use this to learn from.

Could you save videos in Google Photos and share them with your children? I.e Spelling.

Microsoft 360 ? Children videoing themselves solving maths equations. Same as how we use SeeSaw. 
Students give feedback. 

Important to Note
Teaching students how to use Flipped learning is a very important aspect and this needs to be done

You need to teach students how to watch a video - how to engage with videos, how to take notes
while watching videos. How to use the tracking sheets. How to ask for help when needed.

Not just coding for the sake of coding.

Not just coding for the sake of coding. 

Digital Storytelling in Scratch
Monika Kem
Raranga Matihiko weaving digital futures
Computational Thinking - unplugged -
Examples of digital stories

Thinking like a computer. How does a computer rank things from smallest to largest? How does it do it so fast? Get your children to discuss possible ways of doing this.

Examples of students work. Telling stories using Scratch. Children
have coded each story. Some stories are interactive, like a Pick a Path.

Rarangamatahika website has kids speak digital outcomes.

Digital Stories matched with the Computational Thinking Outcomes

X goes to the side Y goes to the sky
Good for teaching coordinates

Scratch - templates on website

Use Glide and repeat

Create your own Pepeha -
Green screen pic of yourself/student
Use removebg
Use this to create your own scratch Sprite