Mindlab - Action reflections

Tuesday, 5 February 2019

Cluster Meeting

Need to report this time on Goals 2 and 4. Will probably need to upload two stories to the VLN one is on Pauls stuff and the other on the parents and Whanau involvement.

Need to:
Look at what the goals are and what we have done.
Look at some of last years stories and what they look like.

Principals going to the Interface Expo in Taupo. It will assist them on infrastructure.

Look at this to see what different teachers need to be successful learners.


We need to look at the different ways teachers learn and cater to them. Teachers need to have a vision - they need to see what ICT looks like in the classroom. They need to get out and visit classrooms.

Set up the learning environment differently. furnature, bean bags, tables,

Cluster plan is to share what we are doing in our schools and put on the VLN.

The e-Learning Planning Framework

Teaching and Learning - can be used for data to show where they started, then where they are at the end of the year. For staff to highlight. This maybe done in a staff meeting.

Vimeo - photo sharing on the blog

Blogging Licence - when they can :Use the language of success
correct language spellin and punctuation
Decide on relevant and interesting content
Proof read work independently
save posts as a draft first
show strong multimedia skills
image sound video embedding
Link to other sites
digital citizenship
Label posts
view and comment on other blogs
pasitive, relevant, constructive feedback.
Look at Point England for an example.

Can create one in Comic Life.

Starting within the class with peers. then around the school then globally.

Quality Comments.
Create a shared Google Doc on what good comments look like.

Learning Centre is a GOOGLE SITE

Making Quality Comments http://teacherchallenge.edublogs.org/2011/02/22/student-blogging-activity-3-beginner-teaching-quality-commenting/

Children sharing google docs with their kids. Parkvale do not share google docs with their parents because of the negative comments written on the childrens pages.

Has your workload increased : At the beginning of the year it was now it seems to have levelled out.

Timeline - Time toast : our class login is: k4hnps   password is: k4hnps
How to use time toast

Get chn to say where they get photos from.

Maybe we could do this this way on our wiki?

Simbaloo is a webpage with all your links on it. it is visual and way easier to use than dilicious.
http://www.symbaloo.com/registerUser.do username is roomk4hnps... password is roomk4hnps

Google Presentations

Magpie Digikids Blog - create Avatars - Introduce yourselves and write about what you are good at. WEEMEE
Snipping Tools 

Change dates of next digi kids - Monday Week 10 - 3 children.


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