The Mind Lab Spiral of Teacher Inquiry
During the online part of the programme your learning will centre around a teacher inquiry, for which you will carry out a small-scaled cycle. This picture gives an overview of the two online courses (RESEARCH and PRACTICE) and their assessments for the next 16 weeks.
There is also a pdf version of this spiral on this weeks related media.
Online Learning and Learning Support During the 16 Weeks
- Self-directed and self-paced online learning with the portal help
- You will continue to receive Weekly emails with a weekly video - read and view them! (If you are not receiving these, contact
- Webinar (on Zoom) doing some of the weekly tasks together
- every Tuesday and Wednesday 4-5pm (same content)
- Live Chat (on G+ Community) online educators will answer questions that you post on the Google+ Community in real time
- every Thursday 4-5pm
- Online learning support links and schedules are listed on the above i-page menu. There are also scheduled meeting links that you can click to join a webinar. We’ll rehearse using the Zoom webinar tool later on today.
Creating the Documents for the RESEARCH course
In class, we will create these 3 documents so that starting online learning next week gets easier: The format of these documents is your choice, but if you prefer you can make a copy of these templates that we provide as an option. If you plan to collaborate on your teacher inquiry - share the access to the same documents. Templates are Google documents, but you can download those and open them in 0365 too.
- Research Essay template
- Annotated Bibliography, Key Words and Synthesis Matrix template
- Action Plan template for a video, and Action Plan template for a written document
You can access the course content, aim and outcomes via the briefcase icon on the top navigation bar.
Below are some e-portfolio tools suggested by the Ministry of Education. Some of you have already selected one of the tools or a different one that has suited to your preference to create your own e-portfolio.
- New Google sites: If you are new to setting up a Google Site (new version
), view the 'How to Create Your ePortfolio with New Google Sites' video in this week's media to learn how to create your own Google Site. - Edublogs, Blogger, Wordpress: Using these platforms, you are able to create different pages, each of which can be assigned to each of the assessments.
- Seesaw: If you already have a seesaw account, you can use the existing account and create a new “class” acting as an e-portfolio where you upload documents, videos or links to a website while being able to reflect on or share with other people to receive feedback about your works.
- MyPortfolio: Currently registration is free for New Zealand Schools.
Eportfolio can be a place to keep the records of, or links to, all of your assessments. The Ministry of Education (n.d.) encourages the use of an e-portfolio as it is a platform to record work, reflect on learning, share learning and receive feedback and feedforward.
In class, we will ask you to
- Create or update your eportfolio - One you already have or create a new one.
- Copy the picture of the Mind Lab Inquiry Cycle (above) in your eportfolio
- Link the 3 documents you created in you eportfolio
- Think about which peers or colleagues you could share those with, to create some collaboration opportunities and peer pressure for the online part
Choosing a Platform for a Blog for your Reflective Entries
We will ask you to plan ahead, consider what platform could you use for blogging on the last 8 weeks. This platform should give options for sharing and commenting - preferably a public blog would be the best choice. We ask you to consider,
- Do you already have one that you could use for these 8 blog posts, or should you create a new one?
- Check that you know how to make new posts with your chosen platform (not pages)?
- Do you know how to save a draft vs. publish your post?
- Could you link this blog to your eportfolio?
- Could you help the person sitting next to you with all this?
How should I blog -blog, that relates to this week's flipped preparation, can help you to get started.
Learning to Use Zoom
We will rehearse in class to use the webinar software Zoom, and we ask you to
- Go to
- Click on “JOIN A MEETING”
- Enter the Meeting ID provided by your facilitator, click “Join”
- You will be prompted to download and run Zoom
- A launcher zip file will be download
- Click on the file and you can install the launcher
- When installation finishes, select “Join a meeting” from the pop-up window
- Enter your Full Name in the text box, click “Join”
- The Zoom meeting window will appear
- Select “Join Audio Conference by Computer” to Join
- Wait for the facilitator to prompt discussion about good research questions?
Ideating and Sharing Inspiring and Challenging Teacher Inquiry Questions or Topics
Keep in mind that these need to be relevant to your practice and digital and/or collaborative learning.
You can find the topics that we have studied during the first 16 weeks by clicking the name of the DIGITAL or LEADERSHIP course from the Briefcase -icon on the top menu. The Topics are listed on the Topics-tabs.
In class, we ask you to share your ideas on the Inspiring Teacher Inquiry Questions / Subtopics under the relating meta topics to
- Maybe sign in so that your name is shown?
- You can also add helpful comments and feedback/forward to others
- Suggest subtopics/questions? Help to broaden or narrow the question? Notice assumptions? Is it too open or closed, or meaningless to measure, unmeasurable? Etc.
Ministry of Education.(n.d.) E-portfolio. Retrieved from
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