Teaching and learning through inquiry
Which of these questions are unGooglable?
Which can you Google?
Pause to question the questions
How do questions work
Learn the art of provocation
Think 1
What does ... mean to you?
I think ...means...
Draw Pictures
How does my thinking compare to your thinking
Similar thinking
Design the learning experience so you can stand back and listen
Provocation- earthquake , create an earthquake in the classroom
What are you noticing? Not what are you noticing, that, I want you to notice.
How might I make this work?
Powering up your potential - you can't make someone learn. You need to give kids the tools to learn.
Growing my learning assets
Refer to page in handout
Building learning assets
Creative thinking
Inquiring into learning
Turtle video
What do we relate this to inquiry?
The learning pit
Don't save to quick
Need to know the kids - when is the right time to step in? And help?
Kids jot down what they intend to learn during the day. Their learner pathway focus. Maybe?
Picture cards to show what 'learning skill' they have achieved during the day.
Perhaps use skills to learn during golden time
The collaborator
The researcher
The thinker
The creator
Split screen learning intentions
Check they are learning the skills of learning
How are you as a learner
Skills for life
What does it mean to be...a learner
What does it mean for a thinker to infer?
Use the add on brainstorm technique
Research can be done with a picture
Coding the text. Increases your understanding of the text
Questions to the author as you read.
Text to what I know
Text to text
Text to
Could be done within guided reading session
Do activity in silence
In a circle
Note taking
How will you take notes. Get anything you want to take notes.
Come up with shared criteria
What worked best?
Work in progress
1-3-6 routine 1 person shares with 3 agree on lists, 3 share with another 3 have to agree.
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