Then Gloss to see where they are and what we need to teach them next.
Then Geometry.
We are learning to make connections with things rather than teaching everything seperately. We need to be more focused on connecting. Geometry is the hardest. How to connect geometry and number. Rather than teaching in isolation.
Card game
Photo 1
using addition, multiplication division, subtraction, Looking at numbers checking there basic facts. ask for sentences. A good activity to use all operations.more so than doing 10 basic fact questions on the board. photo 2 Algebra connection. 9+4= 13 8+5=13 or 9+4=8+5
Use different cards can be used in teams. They use more thinking about the operations than basic facts. Make them do the thinking! and make it fun. Need to work on Multiplication and division.
Explaining -Teacher Modelling
Directing - take 12 cubes
Using cubes
Make a regular shape - square, triangle, rectangle.
Using 12 cubes. 2D not 3D
15 seconds of talk time then do the activity.
If I was going to design a kitchen bench. Stage 6 people are adders not multipliers. using the shape come up with different sides. and write the equation. 3+3+3+3 +2 or 3x4
Mini Gloss Anna Young
60 - 20 = 40
5-2 +3
and the answer is ?
from the evidence you can see she is not there.
62-20=42 - 5 which is 37
Splitting the whole number.
55-9 checking stage 5..
break up the 9 5/4
recommended learning - stage 5 subtraction, tidy numbers, using the most appropriate strategy for the opperation.
Mini Gloss Lexie Heapy
85-36 30-80
173-98 could have rounded up then taken away but split numbers.
** using the right materials to model..real contexts.
3rd stategy **The realtionship with the numbers that show the strategy you want them to show.
** Need to know all the different strategies.
Formular for a rectangular primism.. surface area... ask for multiplication if they keep giving addition.
Algebra - photo 3 Geometry and number overlapped..
Agree and disagree be used during group discussions..
Jona - predict whether there is more surface area than the last one.
Look at what you want them to learn whether it is geometry or multiplication. if it is geometry the multiplication becomes incidental. But you will do drawing.. If it is multiplication you may not do the drawing.
Dice games for tables - Paul Swan
Not testing them when they dont know them but teaching them how to do it!
It is about practing them - reversability - scaffolding. competitive game for practising.
Using animal strips 5 lots of 2 and 2 lots of 5
commutativity - when you swap things around and they get the same answer.
** sometimes the kids focus on the answer and being right rather than the thinking.
Get chn to the point where they ask the what if?
The questions that the chn come up with should be written in the modelling book and given as examples for chn to go away and do independently.
Ideas handout
Using a rectangle shape looking at the different sides - gave it a money value. ** the kids that havnt got the basic facts are like a builder that doesnt have nails and they have to run back to the car to get a nail. its not that they cant do it but it just takes a lot longer.
3D geometry and measurement (money) the money value can be changed depending on the level of your kids.
Looking for compatible numbers.
You cant blend the componenets until you know the components in the strands.
Flynn K3 mini gloss
Place value component.
10 tens then - fluid add on - model using the abicus.
47+28 - didnt compensate --- thats the learning that needs to happen
used larger numbers... 756+89
5B with teaching on compatible numbers
*** Its all about the number that you as a teacher uses. We as teachers need to know the relationship between numbers so we can understand what chn are doing.